Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Behind the Scenes

At the start of my Junior Year of High School, I became bored of only making Star Wars battles during my free time (mostly during school hours back then), so I decided to start making up my own insanely fast fantasy runners, with specific meets that they ran at, what times they ran, and the dates. Some of the names of the different towns I made up like seven years ago and now, I just use them, with some others that I made up (most of these were simply the names of the rooms. Also, a lot of the time, especially when I make up new athletes, I pick semi-random PRs for them.

BTW I am just as much of an expert on my fantasy track results as real life results. Both I can rally off names, PRs, and results of different meets like crazy.

Key (names of the towns): 
  • Town     =  * Population = 1.234,454
  • City       =  *  Population = 785,463
  • Pompeii =*    Population = 74,273
  • Attic       =    Population = 35,127
  • Basement = the basement                                              Population = 51,835
  • Elevation City = based off my kitchen (I named it that because the kitchen has so many cabinets, countertop space, a table, and just so many things on the countertop if it was a city it would be a very hilly city)                                                             Population = 542,586
  • Austria =      Population = 38,916
  • Australia =   Population = 47,729
  • Galvaria =    Population = 24,528
  • Okora =        Population = 35,484
  • Lower Halaway = Population = 21,438
  • Halaway =          Population = 29,572
  • Garage = the garage                                                       Population = 11,631
  • Starton = based off stairs                         Population = 39,739
  • Under Bedson = town under my bed*                           Population = 25,832
  • Bedson = my bed*                                                         Population = 29,461
**The K-12 students of Under Bedson and Bedson go to school in the three districts of City (which mean that they eventually go to City East, City West, and City North depending on where in their hometowns they live.)**
Other Towns
Mavron City (on an island)                                                                           Population = 743,674
Maktort City (same islands as Mavron)                                                        Population = 374,831
Carsul City ("island" across the "channel")                                                  Population = 51,835

***The Islands Military Academy is in Galvaria right on the water. The school has about 20,000 students in total between both genders, with about 5,000 students in each of the following: Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Marines. When they compete their uniforms say IMA, then the letter of the military branch they are from. IMAA = army, IMAN = navy, IMAAF = air force, IMAM =marines. Also, on results lists, it lists them by the name of the school, colon, then the branch they are in (ex: Army = Islands Military Academy: Army.***

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