Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Towns that Town Private School Athletes are From (Current and Past athletes)

**The School opened in the fall of 2012 for the 2012 - 2013 school year**
NAME                         TOWN OF ORIGIN                                   GRADUATION YEAR
Mike Anderson            Galvaria                                                                         2017
Ted Austin                   Lower Halaway                                                             2017
Steven Ball                  Halaway (moved to Town after transfer)                      2015      
William Camet            Starton                                                                           2015
Edward Carson            Elevation City                                                               2016
Mark Carter                 Mogul                                                                            2018
(evacuated Mogul with his family in 2013 and moved to Pompeii)              
Jack Ciroc                    Under Bedson                                                               2019
Tyler Edwards             City                                                                               2015
Ryan Grahm                Carsul City                                                                    2017
Jerry Garcia                 Garage                                                                           2018
Noah Hamilton            Morbett                                                                         2017
Darren Hinsonberg      Orgbon                                                                          2013
(He and his family left neighboring island  in 2012)
Noah Jackson              Halaway                                                                         2014
Armar Jinston             Bedson                                                                            2013
Matt Jones                   Garage                                                                            2014
Mike Jordan                Austria                                                                            2016
Paul Jordan                 Austria                                                                            2016 
Myles Morales            Elevation City                                                                2018
Jason Philstein            Attic                                                                                2018
Ben Roberts                Attic                                                                                2013
Chad Roberts              Okora                                                                              2013
Bill Schwartz              Morbett                                                                           2013
Luke Short                  Australia                                                                         2017
Todd Stone                 Halaway                                                                          2014
Max Thomas              Pompeii                                                                           2018
Chase Villa                 Okora                                                                              2017

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